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Title: Guidelines for the adaptation of forest management to climate change in Greece
Date: 2014
Abstract: The purpose of the present publication is to enhance the capacity of the personnel of Greek Forest Services to detect the impacts of climate change in good time and then manage the forest ecosystems within their competence, accordingly.In the following chapters, a brief description of the Greek forests (per forest vegetation zone), their functions (benefits to communities) and the threats they encounter are provided. Next, a specific reference on threats arising due to climate change is provided, as regards forest productivity, biodiversity, water regime, forest fires and pathogens. The main part of this publication includes a detailed description of the three steps required to adapt the management of Greek forests to climate change (vulnerability assessment, design and implementation of adaptation measures, monitoring-review). Following that, specific adaptation measures for forest management are proposed, categorized per a) forest function and b) Greek forest ecosystem (vegetation type). Finally, certain general measures are included. Below each step, a brief description of the approach adopted and demonstrated at four study areas in the framework the LIFE+ AdaptFor Project is provided (as a case study).
Keywords: Χερσαία Οικοσυστήματα
Κλιματική αλλαγή
Type: Μελέτες - Εκθέσεις - Άρθρα
Spatial: Ελλάδα
Publisher: Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre (EKBY)
Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Directorate General for the Development and Protection of Forests and Rural Environment
Appears in Collections:Η Συλλογή του ΕΚΒΥ

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